
This section of the archive was created by the Belgium researcher, Rouge, and the German researcher Blutacker. The archivist believes that it is the first generally available article that incorporates all major facts about this powerful group.

The Tabula is the Harlequin term for the secret group of men and women who call themselves the Brethren . (also see Tabula – name origin ). At the current time, Tabula wish to place humanity within a Panopticon :  a vast, invisible prison that will monitor and control society.  The Tabula have existed for hundreds of years. During that time, the group has passed through four different phase of development which our two researchers call: Kings and Cardinals, the Conference Era,  the War Years and the Panopticon Era.

1. Kings and Cardinals

Throughout history, those with power have tried to hold on to it. The defense of power has funded an army of philosophers and theologians who have written complex justifications for the actions of the powerful. For the most part, the active members of the Tabula have not been the "Kings" themselves –  but they are usually "the power behind the throne." They have used the institutions of power – the army, the state, the church and the university to achieve their goals.

Before the nineteenth century, the Tabula was not a formal organization with a specific agenda. It was simply web of strong personal relationships that cut across the barriers of language, culture and religion. These "pre-modern" Tabula realized that Travelers were a challenge to their authority and decided that these "mystics" needed to be controlled or destroyed. There was no established policy. The Tabula simply reacted to Travelers as they appeared. Some Travelers were killed immediately. Others, like Hildegard of Bingen were excommunicated or imprisoned during the final stages of their activities. A few Travelers, like Isaac Newton, were given positions of influence. Many years later, those in power discovered the subversive implications of Newton's ideas.

2. The Conference Era

The nineteenth century was a time of enormous advances in technology and transportation. Every major industrial country had colonies in what would now be called the developing world and this brought governments and religious institutions in conflict with Travelers from non-European cultures (Note: these Travelers were often called shamans, oracles or witches).

In the 1880's a crucial incident occurred that transformed the Tabula into a secret organization with leaders, a budget and a specific agenda. In 1876, King Leopold of Belgium organized the International African Society. The Society announced that it had the goal of "civilizing" Africa, but it was really just a philanthropic front for the ruthless exploitation of the Congo River Basin. King Leopold II made initial agreements between Belgium, Germany and France that all accept the idea of common trade in Africa. The German Chancellor, Otto von Bismarck decided that unregulated colonialism was a threat to European peace and called for a Kongokonferenz ("Congo Conference") that involved the Ottoman empire, the United States and all the major European powers.

The conference, which took place in Berlin from 1884-85, was when the Tabula started to become an organization. A special committee had been formed to regulate  the activities of missionaries in Africa and that group created at sub-committee that was supposed to "investigate visionaries and fanatics opposed to the accepted faiths." The members of the sub-committee were from the United States and every major European country - a mixture of government, colonial and religious leaders. They quickly realized that many of the "fanatics" were Travelers, and that Travelers were a similar problem in their own countries.

After the conference ended in 1885,  the sub-committee continued to meet and the Anglican Bishop Theodore Parker from Great Britain was picked as the first chairman. The group began to call themselves  "the Brethren." They raised their initial funds from contributions from church, governments and wealthy industrialists. At this time, the mandate of the Brethren was too obtain all possible information about "the so-called Travelers, their teachers and protectors" and to establish a common archive with a list  of Traveler names.

3. War Years

World War I was a shock to the dream of the European unity and progress, but the personal relationships formed by the Brethren were able to overcome these nationalistic divisions. In 1915, the Brethren had their first meeting in Zurich and they continued to have  yearly meetings in Switzerland throughout the war.

When the Austrian Peter Müller was chosen to be head of the reorganized Executive Board, a decisive shift occurred in Tabula strategy. Instead of simply recording the names of Travelers, the Tabula decided that "these individuals would not be shielded from the dangers of the current conflict." What this meant was the Tabula involved in the military and/or the government made sure that all male Travelers between the ages of 18 and 50 would be drafted into the army and sent to the most dangerous war zone on the Western Front. This policy was a complete success; every male Traveler of military age in Britain, France and Germany was killed during the war.  

During the period between the two world wars,  the Tabula continued to grow in power and influence. Former soldiers were hired for assassinations of particularly troublesome Travelers and a research group was formed to gather information about Harlequins and Pathfinders .

World War II was the first time that the Tabula had the full power of two modern dictatorships supporting their goals. Joseph Stalin decided that Travelers were a threat to his leadership and the Russian secret police arrested more than two hundred mystics and spiritual leaders. All of these prisoners either died in work camps or were sent to the front to die in combat.

Heinrich Himmler, head of the German SS, first thought that Travelers could help the Nazi war effort with their special power. But in 1944 he announced that Travelers and their supporters were "a degenerate cosmopolitan element" and a special unit of the SS Death's Head division was organized to exterminate them in occupied territories. Those wishing more information about this period should read the late Victor Kessler's  unpublished article: Blood Harvest: Tabula Officers in the Totenkopfuerbande.

4. The Panopticon Era.

The post-war era provided new opportunities for the Tabula. Once again, their larger objectives formed alliances between men of power in a wide variety of countries and cultures. In 1947, The Evergreen Foundation was organized in Switzerland – giving the Tabula a public "front" to fund research, educate leadership and influence public opinion.

By the 1950s, there were only a few Travelers left  in the world. Although the destruction of Travelers was still a stated objective, the Tabula's Executive Board began to formulate a new mandate and vision. The growing sophistication of surveillance technology and computerized information systems turned a vague dream of social conformity into a realistic goal. The "post-modern" Tabula is now attempting to establish an invisible Panopticon to control and monitor large populations.

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