Introduction 00
Journey to Elsewhen 01
The View from in Here 02
Outside Looking In 03
In the Blindspot of the Mind's Eye 04
The Hound of Silence 05
The Future Is Now 06
Time Bombs 07
Paradise Glossed 08
Immune to Reality 09
Once Bitten 10
Reporting Live from Tomorrow 11
Afterword 12

Printable Version

Time Bombs
Chapter 7 extends the ideas presented in the previous chapter. The fact that the present exerts such a strong influence on our ability to imagine the future causes us to make some rather strange choices. For instance, psychologists Dan Ariely and Jonathan Levav show that the way we think about the future causes us to seek more variety than we will actually enjoy. Psychologists Chris Hsee, George Loewenstein, Sally Blount, and Max Bazerman show that choices involve comparisons, but the comparisons we make when we imagine the future are not the comparisons we make when we get there. Economist Dick Thaler and law professor Cass Sunstein discuss the ways in which social institutions might use these errors to promote desirable ends.

Are social policies that promote certain behaviors by capitalizing on the foibles of human judgment more or less insidious and effective than those that promote behaviors by explicitly rewarding and punishing them?

D. Ariely and J. Levav, "Sequential Choice in Group Settings: Taking the Road Less Traveled and Less Enjoyed," Journal of Consumer Research 27, 279-290 (2000).

C.K. Hsee, G. F. Loewenstein, S. Blount, and M.H. Bazerman, "Preference Reversals Between Joint and Separate Evaluations of Options: A Review and Theoretical Analysis," Psychological Bulletin 125, 576-590 (1999).

R.H. Thaler and C.R. Sunstein, "Libertarian Paternalism," American Economic Review 93, 175-179 (2003).