Seth Harwood graduated from the prestigious Iowa Writers’ Workshop in 2002 and did the straight-up literary thing for a while, but then decided to let the stuff he really loved—Tarantino movies, The Sopranos, video games, and Hong-Kong Cinema—influence his writing. JACK WAKES UP, his first crime novel, was born. In July of 2006, Seth started releasing the novel on his website,, for free download as a serialized audio podcast. Today, his work has amassed a devoted following of over 10,000 listeners. And on May 5, the paper-and-ink version of JACK WAKES UP finally hits the shelves.
Here are the facts:
The hero: Jack Palms, B-movie star turned drug addict turned has-been.
The situation: When Jack agrees to show some out-of-town high rollers a good time, he finds himself caught in the middle of a Bay Area drug war. Soon he’s got too many gunmen after him to count—including a South American drug cartel, a mountain-sized Samoan enforcer, and a mobbed-up strip club owner with an army of thugs. But the thing that scares him the most? He’s starting to enjoy himself.
Opening line: “Jack Palms walks into a diner just south of Japantown, the one where he’s supposed to meet Ralph. As he passes the Wait To Be Seated sign, he wonders if these things didn’t come standard issue with Please at the start not too long ago, back when the world was more friendly and kind.”
What others have said: “Jack Wakes Up rocks! It’s a fast, smooth ride on a highway not found on any map.”— Michael Connelly, #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Brass Verdict