Hey folks—Sean Doolittle here. Big thanks to the demented crackpots at Bantam Dell for dreaming up this site, and for inviting me to come and play with the cool kids. As a lifelong fan of crime and suspense fiction, I expect I’d probably be here even if I didn’t have a brand new book to talk about, but in an astonishing stroke of coincidence…
…you can read the first few chapters of my brand new book right here!
People have asked where the idea for Safer originated. The answer comes from a conversation I had a few years ago that, for the sake of brevity, can be boiled down more or less to the following question: The best defense is a good offense, true or false?
An acquaintance of mine—a family man like myself—didn’t believe the question was as complicated as I made it out to be. I readily admit that my own views on our particular topic were not fully formed at the time, but still I failed to resist playing devil’s advocate and posed more or less the following counter-question:
“Say you found out that a paroled sex offender has moved in next door. All the statistics say there’s a very good possibility that a person with this guy’s particular record will re-offend in the future. Would you murder your neighbor if it meant 100% certainty that he would never harm your wife or children?”
I don’t remember how he answered, but I found myself toying with my own impromptu lifeboat scenario for several days after that conversation. The question turned out to be the seed of the novel; my home region of the Midwest provided the soil, and my own experiences as a husband and father supplied water and sunlight.
I hope you enjoy,
Its just awesome, i can feel the passion in his words.... its just hard to explain, ubt anyways.... good job!
Sure i´ll read that book!!!