Entries from Blood on the Page tagged with 'Blood and Ice'
Weaving Real History into Your Fiction
In connection with BLOOD AND ICE, I've promised to give a talk soon on how to weave history and fact into a fictional universe. This book is heavily pinned on both the Crimean War (England vs. Russia, basically, in the... more
Free Chapters from Blood and Ice
Next up: a haunting thriller than spans continents and centuries—from Victorian England to a remote Antarctic research station, where an ancient glacier yields a shocking prize—and a sinister legacy. With Blood and Ice (on sale 2/24), we welcome Robert Masello... more
And so, at last, I jump into the blogging pool!
This is my very first blog, ever. And I find that it's making me extremely self-conscious. Who knew? It's like that dream where you show up for class and there's an exam you knew nothing about. What am I supposed... more
Blood and Ice trailer debuts at Comic-Con
Bantam Books debuted the brand new trailer for Robert Masello's Blood and Ice during this year's Random House panel at New York Comic-Con. Blood and Ice goes on sale February 24th, but you can read three free chapters right here... more