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About the Author Poem From the Desk of....
Picture of Author Kevin Young
To get the full effect of Kevin Young's poetry, you have to hear him speak the words. If you missed him on tour, watch the four clips below, in which he reads from his latest collection, Jelly Roll: A Blues. Plus, once you fall in love with the verse (as we hope you will), you can send an animated ecard, featuring the poem "Ditty."
Jelly Roll
1. "Shimmy" in which the poet starts with something sexy
Realplayer: T1 | 56k
Quicktime: T1 | 56k

2. "Jingle" in which he aches
Realplayer: T1 | 56k
Quicktime: T1 | 56k

3. "Boasts" in which he claims he's got "the most biggest feet"
Realplayer: T1 | 56k
Quicktime: T1 | 56k

4. "Errata" in which he universalizes the love fumble
Realplayer: T1 | 56k
Quicktime: T1 | 56k

5. "Ditty" in which he declares love beautifully
Realplayer: T1 | 56k
Quicktime: T1 | 56k
Send "Ditty" as an ecard.