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Wonders of the African World
Wonders of the African World


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Writer's Recommendations

  • Visit PBS's rich companion site to the television series Wonders of the African World, with video, interactive maps, Henry Louis Gates, Jr.'s diary of his travels while filming the series, and more.

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MALI -- mud structure housing an institute of herbal studies

This building isn't particularly huge -- only about 10 or 12 ft high, and they were building lots of them. They together were to be an institute for the study of all the natural herbs for healing in Mali. I thought it was very interesting. It's just a few miles away from the Mosque of Mopti. There is a door on the other side, a few small windows. This was just something, not necessarily a matter of historical record, but I never had never seen anything like it in all of Africa -- it was brand new, local architecture.






Photographs (c) 1999 by Lynn Davis