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Fugitive Pieces
Fugitive Pieces

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Anne Michaels is the author of the best-selling novel Fugitive Pieces, which was translated and published in more than two dozen countries and won several awards, including the 1997 Lannan Literary Award for Fiction and, in Britain, the Guardian Fiction Award and the Orange Prize. She lives in Toronto.

Photo: David Laurence

Prior to her stunning first novel, Anne Michaels had already won awards and critical acclaim for two books of poetry: The Weight of Oranges (1986), which won the Commonwealth Prize for the Americas, and Miner's Pond (1991), which received the Canadian Authors Association Award and was short-listed for the Governor General's Award and the Trillium Award. Although they were published separately, these two books, along with Skin Divers, a collection of Michaels's newest work, were written as companion volumes.

Poems brings all three books together for the first time, creating for American readers a wonderful introduction to Anne Michaels's poetry. Meditative and insightful, powerful and heart-moving, these are poems that, as Michael Ondaatje has written, "go way beyond games or fashion or politics . . . They represent the human being entire."