Max McDaniels
Max is already Rowan's fiercest warrior and a member of the Red Branch. As a child of the Old Magic, the Hound of Rowan provides mankind a fighting chance against Astaroth - but only if he can control the powerful forces within him...


David Menlo
A magical prodigy, David Menlo is so gifted that Rowan's greatest Mystics have nothing left to teach him. Though brilliant, David's constitution is very weak and the Little Sorcerer must often choose between his health and mankind's hopes...


Charming, chivalrous, and unspeakably evil, Astaroth is The Tapestry's main villain. An ancient demon in human guise, Astaroth is determined to rule the world as a living god. Unless Max and David can stop him, he just might get his wish!


A demon obsessed with power and wealth, Prusias used to serve those who desired them. Now that Astaroth has the Book, Prusias satisfies his own appetites. As the ruler of Blys, Prusias already controls vast territories, but rumor has it he craves the other kingdoms and is willing to use the Workshop to get them. Despite his jesting demeanor, Prusias can be a terrifying enemy. A wise person will keep a close eye upon this fiend...and his shadow!


Lord Vyndra is a powerful rakshasa who has made the Crossing since Astaroth's rise to power. While his grand duchy technically falls within Prusias's borders, it's well known that Vyndra craves a kingdom of his own and conspires with Prusias's enemies for his downfall. Even among the demons, Vyndra is notorious for his cruelty and bloodlust and some fear that his actions could threaten the tenuous peace. A superb archer, Vyndra enjoys stalking his victims from afar...


Mr Sikes
Impeccably dressed and always eager to serve, Mr. Sikes is an imp who can be summoned if one knows the right phrases to call him. While he normally appears as a little blue-skinned man, he can also take the form of a field mouse or gypsy moth. Whether its lemonades or better grades, Mr. Sikes can deliver a price.


The Formorian
Strange and solitary, the Fomorian Giant is said to live on the Isle of Man. A relic of ancient times, the Fomorian is older than even the Tuatha Dé Danaan and the other gods who would eventually displace his kind. Upon his isle, however, the Giant is still master and it's said that even the wind and waves obey him. Fascinating though he is, it's best keep your distance as the Giant does not welcome visitors. Cooper made that mistake years ago and Rowan's greatest Agent barely lived to tell the tale....


A Black Forest lymrill, Nick is thought to be the last of his kind. Lymrills are compact, fierce arboreal mammals whose diet consists of rodents, worms, and...metals! Due to its remarkable diet and some mysterious alchemical process in its digestion, lymrills have been hunted throughout the ages by those who would exploit the magical properties of their claws and porcupine-like quills. As Max's charge, however, Nick tends to lounge about the Sanctuary or snore the days away while nibbling on a pair of his steward's favorite socks.


Skeedle is a goblin - a young and earnest member of the Broadbrims clan that is scattered amidst the Apennines and Alps. Treated shabbily by his elders, Skeedle turned to Max and a neighboring household of humans for friendship and has since proved a valuable contact as this kind have better access to information and trade goods. Despite his small size and less-than-stellar bravery, Skeedle is is nevertheless a loyal ally and determined to help where he can.


Harmless but incurably lazy, the smee is a master of mimicry. In their natural state, the smee is a yam-like, limbless creature with a mouth in its midsection. Incomparably vain, they may don various wigs, hairpieces, and even sparkly sequins to jazz up their plain and - let's be honest - somewhat revolting bodies. Their real talent, however, lies in their ability to shape shift. Smees can take almost any form and with such unparalleled skill that they can further replicate the voice, mannerisms, and even aura of an imprinted creature. With this power, they often ensconce themselves in various communities and trick others into providing them with a life of luxury and comfort.

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