
Leonardo's Prophecy?
Last month, while in Florence, Professor Langdon
uncovered an ancient parchment that historians now believe
may be the work of Leonardo da Vinci. The encoded parchment—bearing
the name La Profezia (The Prophecy)—raised
eyebrows when scholars discovered it was signed "LSPDV."
(Leonardo's full name was Leonardo Ser
Pieri Da Vincio).
More intriguing still is the legend that the
visionary Leonardo, in the days before his death, made a powerful
prophecy about the future. Could this be Da Vinci's long
lost prediction? Historians remain eager to learn what
this parchment says. The code has yet to reveal its mystery,
but Robert Langdon is very close to finding the key to deciphering
the message.
Leonardo's encoded message consists of 24 symbols. Robert
Langdon is certain there exists a key, and he is working very
hard to find it.