Entries from Blood on the Page tagged with 'Fear the Worst'
Linwood Barclay on what he learned from the writing process
My agent said it happens to every writer eventually. I wrote a novel last year that didn't work. To use a favorite phrase of my wife's, it was "a dog's breakfast." I should have known. I wrote the first seventy... more
Linwood Barclay on The Hook
I'm always looking for The Hook. (Not "The Hook" by the late, great Donald E. Westlake; but if you haven't read it, you MUST.) Before I start writing a book, I need a way in. Something to grab not just... more
Linwood Barclay on Fear the Worst
Fear the Worst hits bookstores in just a couple of weeks, and many readers are already calling it the best of my thrillers so far. Fast- moving, loads of suspense, a real page-turner. But something no one seems to have... more