James Watson
Photo © Bill Geddes
Images from... DNA

This book includes 100 illustrations in color and black and white. We've chosen seven to show you now. Click on each to see another striking photo from the first single volume to chart the entire genetic revolution.

1. The many faces of DNA
2. 3-D structure of a cellular protein factory
3. How DNA becomes protein
4. A mass producing DNA lab
5. 3-D structure of a cancer causing protein
6. Cell division
7. How genetic fingerprinting works

Plus, From the Author: 14 Strong Opininons On DNA

5. Proteomics: the 3-D structure of a cancer-causing protein, BCR-ABL. The protein does not occur naturally but is produced by the fusion of two genes caused by a chromosomal abnormality. The BCR-ABL protein stimulates cell proliferation and may cause a form of leukemia. Shown in purple is a small molecule drug, Gleevec, which inhibits BCR-ABL function. It is with 3-D information like this that drugs will in future be designed to target particular proteins. The computer model of BCR-ABL's structure does not show the details of the atoms or individula amino acids, but nevertheless accurately reflects the protein's lay-out.


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